check out our award winning collection
The Olive Architects
Give Love – Give Luxury – Give Health
How it started – Our family run business was created through our passion of olive oil and harvesting our olive groves in Crete, we took our 5 intial infusions to the biggest shows and festivals all around the UK, getting face to face with our customers we listened to thousands of you and learned quickly what you wanted.
How its going – We went back to the drawing board, put pen to paper and started trials to create unique and taste tantalising flavours & have since then turned our idea into a Multi international award winning collection of Extra virgin olive oils and balsamic vinegars that we are immensely proud of.
How the future looks– We continue to grow & strive for perfection, every year we work on our pre existing products and try to create something even better than the last.
Papas Bruschetta & White truffle balsamic vinegar won Gold awards in 2023. In 2024 and beyond we are working towards developing more award winning products as we look to have a range that suits every foodie.
We look forward to bringing these exciting new blends to your table
Why Us
What Makes Us Best
Award winning
Cold pressed
Family run business
The healthy choice
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