
Natural Virgin Olive Oil, the name itself is synonymous with miraculous benefits. It usually goes through the process of Cold Pressing to meet its & Extra Virgin Standard. Organic oil itself has uncountable health benefits but
when the prefix & Organic is added, it creates a major difference!
We can help you understand the importance of Organic Olive Oil through certain simple questions.
✓ When can an Olive Oil be certified as & Organic? The Olive oil must NOT have pesticides and byproducts.
✓ Why must you always choose Organic Olive Oil?
The main reason is that it is an ECO-FRIENDLY option.
It has its roots to ORGANIC FARMING which is beneficial on its own. Efficient Organic Farming does not affect the soil and does not let harmful pesticides seep through the soil into water streams. Studies have found that the process of Organic Farming involves emitting less harmful greenhouse gases than regular farming. Therefore, by choosing Organic Olive Oil you can be conscious of yourself and your planet.
✓ What are the things that you should readily avoid?
Indirect Adulteration. The quality of Organic Olive Oil drops the moment it is diluted with other oils filled with impurities. The USDA Certificate must always be provided as the proof of authenticity or else, at least the manufacturers must be absolutely crystal clear with their farming techniques. The ingredients must always be read by the consumers before deciding which & organic; oil to buy.
✓ How will Organic Olive Oil BENEFIT you?
Might sound overwhelming or unbelievable but Olive Oil has, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance, Cholesterol Maintenance, Overall Nutrition, Bone Health, Brain Health, Nail Health, easy bowel movement, better Immunity, and so many other exciting benefits.
Hair, Scalp, and Skin Health is miraculously boosted up by Olive Oil. It provides the ultimate nourishment.
Every medicine isn’t bitter. Organic Olive Oil MUST be included in your daily diet to get the best use out of it. You may use it more as a salad dressing or maximum in a shallow fry. Its smoking point must always be kept in mind, and therefore Deep Frying must be avoided. The temperature is never made to exceed over 26.5°C (80° F). Cold pressing is considered best for olive oil as excessive heat damages the Antioxidant properties of this miracle oil.
The best perk of Organic Olive Oil is the absence of preservatives. Well if you don’t know, Preservatives do unimaginable harm to your health!
It is a known fact that anything Organic is eco friendly as well as health-friendly. In the case of Olive Oil especially, the process of Hydraulic Cold Pressing and centrifugation ensures minimal wastage. Even being low in pesticides, it is comparatively SAFER.
Choose Natural Virgin Olive Oil, Choose better health. Organic Olive Oil (and all other & Organic& products in general) tends to have a higher price than the regular adulterated highly advertised ones. Naturally, people tend to go for cheaper ones. Quality always comes with a price but a decent bottle of Organic Olive Oil won’t cost you a fortune! It’s affordable and healthy.